Investigating hosting

Most of this work should be work done on Unit 20 task 5 last year under hosting and upload. If you did it well then you can just re-title add a few things and print it off again.

Any additions to what you did before are highlighted as new.

hostsWhat you have to do

You need to look at two different webhosts ones and then pick one. You will actually use someone else to get online.

Choose a domain name for your website. using 123 reg

You need to comment on and compare the following criteria for the three webhosts.

Cost per month/Year.
Bandwith (speed of connection)
Traffic (in Gb allowed per month) and what happens if you go over the allowed limit.
What services the host provides (PHP, ASP etc). Helps for forums and guestbooks
Can you get a one click shopping cart .
Uptime -how often its broken?
Do they back upo your website?
Any thing else they tell you.

New Comment on the scripting langauges supported by the web hosts. These will probably be PHP, CG,I ASP, and perhaps perl, there maybe others. Make sure you say waht script languages are for and why you would want the facility to use one on yur website.

For Assessment Objective 1, candidates should review the services offered by commercial website
hosting providers (although they may not actually use them for hosting their own website due to
cost constraints). Candidates should include printouts of web pages for the hosting packages they
have chosen. For higher levels candidates must justify their choices with a clear explanation of the
relevant features of the package.

Produce a specification of requirements: eg
• domain name(s)
• disk space
• monthly traffic
• FTP access
• log files (usage reports)
• platform specification (and support for scripting, databases,
• technical support
• additional features eg security, streaming, backup, other